

Join Lezly & Dr Neta On A Tranformational Retreat For Executives

In an era where the dynamics of leadership are rapidly evolving, the need for authentic, resilient, and innovative leaders has never been more critical. 

Our leadership retreats, crafted by the pioneering minds of Lezly Kaye and Dr. Neta, offer a profound journey into self-awareness, authenticity, and high-impact leadership. Here’s why you should join us, and why the time is now.

Experience Transformation Beyond Boundaries

Australian Leadership Retreat: Four Transformative Days

Over four immersive days in the heart of Australia's serene landscapes, experience a leadership retreat that transcends conventional boundaries. Guided by the expert insights of Lezly Kaye and Dr. Neta, you will embark on a journey designed to refine your leadership from the inside out.

What You Will Experience

Psychological Safety Workshops

Engage in sessions that foster a safe space for vulnerability and authentic expression, crucial for modern leadership.

Somatic Practises

Learn to identify and navigate personal and professional traumas that influence leadership styles and workplace dynamics.

Trauma Awareness & Healing

Participate in yoga, breathwork, and mindful movement to reconnect with your body, enhancing presence and decision-making capacity.

Ecology Of Thriving

Cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude that propels you and your team towards sustainable success.

What You Will Leave With

Renewed Vision

Armed with new insights and strategies, you'll return to your role with a refreshed vision and an enhanced ability to lead effectively.

Enhanced Resilience

Improved interpersonal skills to foster deeper connections with your team, enhancing trust and performance.

Deeper Connections

Greater emotional and physical resilience, enabling you to manage stress and inspire your team under any circumstances.

 Leadership Blueprint

Lifetime access to a vibrant community container of next-level leaders to integrate and maintain your transformation for continuous growth. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”

Authentic Leadership Community Network

A personalised action plan for continuing your growth and applying your new skills in the workplace.

Why You Need This Now

In today's fast-evolving business landscape, the ability to adapt and lead with authenticity isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity. As challenges become more complex, leaders must be equipped not only with strategic acumen but with emotional intelligence and resilience. This retreat offers the tools and insights necessary to thrive in this new era of leadership.

How Will You Know It's Time?

Feeling Overwhelmed, Numb or Disconnected

You’re successful but often feel overwhelmed by the demands of leadership, or simply going through the motions while surviving the day.

Seeking Deeper Connections

Traditional leadership methods aren’t resonating with your team or driving the results you need.

Needing New Strategies

You desire a more profound connection with your team, with people in your life and a more cohesive workplace culture.

Craving Personal Growth

You’re ready to evolve personally to meet your professional challenges more effectively.

Book Your Qualifying Call Here

Lezly Kaye

As Australia's only leading High-Performance Somatic Coach with a lived background of having built and managed a $60 million business empire, Lezly Kaye brings unparalleled expertise to the realm of leadership and personal development. Her journey is marked by significant achievements and profound transformations, both in the business world and in personal realms. Training with some of the most prestigious teachers and organisations in the world, Lezly is not only accomplished in business acumen, such as her study at the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), but she has also studied under some of the best sex, love, and relationship coaches. Loving the intersection where strategy meets somatics, nuero-science and healing. Lezly’s thirst for knowledge and desire to be at the forefront of human behavior and bio hacking leadership saw her complete her Psychedelic Coaching Certification in 2022. She weaves both her learnt knowledge and embodied wisdom through her work, and her capacity to hold all of you is amplified by this lived experience in both high-level business strategy and life and relationship advancement. 

Dr Neta

With nearly two decades of experience as a Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Dr. Neta is a distinguished leader and mentor in the mental health and trauma healing space. Specializing in working with high-achieving leaders, she brings a wealth of expertise in guiding leaders from a "surviving the day" mentality to a thriving mindset.
Dr. Neta's comprehensive approach integrates embodied leadership principles, combining one-on-one coaching, group containers, and immersive retreats. She is adept at teaching leaders how to harness their inner strengths, embrace their authentic selves, and cultivate resilience and adaptability in high-pressure environments.
In addition to her extensive background in traditional psychological practices, and somatic approaches, Dr. Neta is a pioneer in psychedelic-assisted therapy, offering innovative solutions for deep healing and personal growth. Her work empowers leaders to move beyond burnout and imposter syndrome, fostering a renewed sense of purpose and vitality.
Driven by an unwavering commitment to listen to the whispers of her soul, Dr. Neta made the courageous decision to leave behind the familiar and venture to the other side of the world. This transformative odyssey of healing and self-reclamation led her to delve into practices that resonated with her deepest essence. From Tantra and Sacred Sexuality to Shamanic Healing and Plant Medicine journeys in Costa Rica, she explored realms of consciousness and unearthed layers of her being that had long sought expression.

Dr. Neta embraced her wild feminine nature, guiding humans on how to dance with vulnerability and authenticity, even in the face of discomfort. Today, as she stands in the fullness of her truth, she is a beacon of empowerment and transformation for others. Her mission is clear: to help individuals reclaim their authentic selves, honour their desires, and live lives of purpose and fulfilment.
Dr. Neta’s mission is to introduce a new paradigm of authentic leadership in the professional world. She uses corporate language to bridge into organizations, ensuring her methods resonate with and transforms the lives of high-achieving leaders of all genders. Her unique blend of psychological insight, trauma healing expertise, and leadership coaching makes her an invaluable resource for those seeking to step into their true power and thrive in all aspects of life.
Updated version:
With nearly two decades of experience, Dr. Neta is a distinguished Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, leading the way in mental health and trauma healing. Specializing in high-achieving leaders, she transforms "survive the day" mindsets into thriving, empowered lives. Dr. Neta's comprehensive approach integrates embodied leadership with one-on-one coaching, dynamic group sessions, and immersive retreats. She's a master at unlocking inner strength, authenticity, and resilience under pressure. Beyond traditional psychology and somatic methods, Dr. Neta pioneers psychedelic-assisted therapy for profound healing and growth, helping leaders overcome burnout and imposter syndrome while reigniting purpose and vitality.
Driven by fierce love and a commitment to soul whispers, Dr. Neta boldly left the familiar that kept her in a state of functioning depression and emptiness to embark on a global odyssey of healing and self-discovery. From Tantra and Sacred Sexuality to Shamanic Healing and Plant Medicine in Costa Rica, she embraced her wild feminine essence and learned to dance with vulnerability and authenticity. Now, she empowers others to reclaim their true selves, honor their desires, and live with purpose. Dr. Neta’s mission is to revolutionize authentic leadership in the corporate world. Her blend of psychological insight, trauma expertise, and leadership coaching is a game-changer for high-achieving leaders ready to own their power and thrive.

Today, she is dedicated to helping high-achieving entrepenuers who feel stuck between the demands of their professional success and personal fulfillment. Her approach goes beyond traditional coaching, integrating somatic practices that address the body-mind connection, which is often overlooked in conventional business strategies. This method helps break through glass ceilings, overcome subtle self-sabotage, and eliminate the stress and burnout that accompany high-level success—all while saving your marriage in the process! Lezly invites you to join her if you are ready to transform your approach to success, lead with resilience and grace, and create a life that is not only prosperous but also joyful and deeply fulfilling. Together, we will redefine what it means to have it all, ensuring that your professional achievements and personal happiness are not just balanced, but mutually enhancing.

Unmatched Expertise and Personal Transformation

Proven Leaders

Lezly Kaye, with her experience in scaling multi-million dollar businesses, and Dr. Neta, a clinical psychologist and trauma healing specialist, bring a rich tapestry of insights that fuse the best of business acumen and psychological depth.

Innovative Methods

From breathwork, somatic safety and embodied leadership practices to cutting-edge psychedelic-assisted therapies, our retreats offer methods not found in conventional leadership programs.

Tailored Experiences:

Each retreat is meticulously designed to meet the needs of today’s leaders, focusing on not just surviving but thriving in both personal and professional spheres.

 Deep, Lasting Impact

Beyond the Boardroom

Learn to lead not only with strategic precision but with emotional intelligence and an authentic connection to your team and mission.

Transformative Growth

Our retreats facilitate a profound personal transformation that translates into professional excellence, helping you navigate and lead through challenges with grace and resilience.


The Urgency of Adaptive Leadership

Rapidly Changing Business Landscapes

As businesses face unprecedented changes, the demand for leaders who are adaptable, emotionally intelligent, and capable of leading with integrity is skyrocketing.

Global Awareness

With a global conversation around mental health, authenticity, and corporate responsibility, leaders need to be proactive, not reactive, to stay ahead.

Seize the Moment

Limited Availability

With limited spots available, the opportunity to join these transformative retreats is exclusive and highly sought after.

Strategic Timing

The retreats are scheduled at pivotal times, allowing for maximum impact and minimal disruption to your professional commitments.

Join A Community Of Visionary Leaders

Engage with Like-minded Peers
Our retreats are not just events but a gateway into a community of forward-thinking leaders dedicated to personal and professional growth.
Continuous Support and Growth
Post-retreat, gain access to exclusive resources, ongoing training, and a supportive network to ensure you continue to grow and lead effectively.

Book Your Qualifying Call Here

Want us to curate a program and retreat bespoke to your team or organisation?


The pathway to integrative leadership and self responsibility in teams

The preparation

Whether it includes psychedelics or just deep transformative work, the preparation to integrative leadership and self responsibility is the same. Pathways to success in transformation start with a deep dive into self and relational dynamics. 

1. Psychological Safety

Objective: Cultivate an environment where executives feel mentally secure and supported, enabling them to explore and grow.

Emotional Resilience

We create a foundation for emotional resilience by fostering a safe space where executives can openly express their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment. This psychological safety is crucial for authentic leadership development.

Embodied Mental Well-being Practices

Build a culture of trust and support that encourages vulnerability and growth, empowering leaders to harness their full potential and drive their teams towards success.

Supportive Environment

Revolutionise the approach to mental health by integrating practices that promote both physical and mental well-being. Teach leaders how to use challenges as a platform for growth and expansion, enhancing their ability to remain calm and composed under pressure, and ensuring they stay ahead of the game.

2. Somatic Safety

Objective: Integrate body-based practices to enhance physical and emotional well-being, creating embodied leaders who lead with presence and vitality.

Embodied Leadership

Introduce practices such as yoga, breathwork, and mindful movement to help executives connect with their bodies. These practices promote embodied leadership, where leaders are grounded, present, and in tune with their physical and emotional states.

Stress reduction techniques

Utilise somatic practices to reduce physical stress and tension, improving overall health and productivity. Leaders who prioritize their well-being are better equipped to manage challenges and inspire their teams.

Physical and Emotional Alignment

Encourage alignment between body and mind to enhance clarity, creativity, and emotional intelligence. This holistic approach ensures that leaders are not just surviving but thriving in their roles.

3. Trauma Informed (Practice)

Objective: Equip executives with the tools to recognise and process trauma, fostering emotional resilience and authenticity in leadership.

Trauma-Informed Leadership

Educate leaders on the impact of trauma and how it can influence behavior and decision-making. By understanding trauma, leaders can create more compassionate and supportive work environments.

Healing Practices

Provide techniques for processing and healing trauma, such as somatic experiencing and guided breathwork. These practices help executives release past traumas, paving the way for authentic leadership and personal growth.

Emotional Intelligence

Enhance leaders' emotional intelligence by teaching them to recognize and address trauma-related triggers in themselves and their teams. This awareness leads to more empathetic and effective leadership, ensuring that teams feel supported and understood.

4. Ecology of Thriving

Objective: Promote a mindset of gratitude and abundance, transforming leaders from a state of surviving to thriving.

Thriving Mindset

Encourage leaders to shift from a survival mindset to one of thriving by cultivating gratitude and abundance. This positive outlook fosters innovation, creativity, and a proactive approach to challenges.

Sustainable Success

Where appropriate and legal, introduce the transformative power of plant medicine as a tool for deep emotional and psychological healing. This cutting-edge approach can help executives unlock new levels of self-awareness and leadership potential, positioning them ahead of the game in their 

Transpormative Power of Plant Medicine

Teach practices that support sustainable success, such as daily gratitude exercises and reflective journaling. Leaders who embrace an ecology of thriving are more likely to inspire and motivate their teams to achieve extraordinary results.

Integration Pillars

Psychological Integration

Continuous support for emotional and mental processing, ensuring long-term emotional resilience and authentic leadership.

Somatic Integration

Guidance on maintaining body-based practices to support ongoing physical and emotional well-being, reinforcing embodied leadership.

Trauma-Informed Integration

Ongoing resources and support for trauma processing, ensuring leaders can effectively address and overcome challenges.

Ecology of Thriving

Encouragement to maintain practices that foster gratitude and abundance, ensuring leaders and their teams continue to thrive

Are You Ready to Step into the Future of Leadership?

Transform not just how you lead, but how you live. By joining our retreat, you commit to a path of profound growth and leadership excellence.

Embrace the leadership of tomorrow, today. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of changemakers.